Snapchat Streaks are a fun way to maintain daily connections with friends, but losing one can be frustrating. While Snapchat doesn’t guarantee streak recovery, it is sometimes possible to get a streak back if the loss wasn’t due to user error. Here’s how to go about recovering a lost streak and steps to avoid losing one in the future.
What Causes a Streak to End?
Snapchat streaks require both participants to send at least one Snap to each other every 24 hours. Chats, Memories, and Snaps sent using Snapchat Spectacles don’t count, so both users must ensure they’re sending valid Snaps daily.
Sometimes, however, streaks can disappear due to glitches, bugs, or undelivered Snaps, even when you and your friend have upheld your end of the streak. If this happens, you might have a case for recovery.
Steps to Recover a Snapstreak
Check for Mistakes
Before reaching out to Snapchat, double-check that neither you nor your friend missed a day. If either of you forgot to send a Snap or sent invalid content, Snapchat may not reinstate your streak.
Contact Snapchat Support
Visit the Snapchat Support page.
Select the option: I lost my Snapstreak.
Fill out the provided form with as much detail as possible. Include your username, your friend’s username, and a description of what happened.
Submit the form as soon as possible after noticing the loss.
Wait for a Response
After submitting your request, Snapchat will review your case. If they determine the streak ended due to a bug or app issue, they may restore it. However, if the loss resulted from user error, it’s unlikely they’ll reinstate it.
Tips for Success
Act quickly and provide accurate, thorough details when submitting your request. Snapchat typically responds within a week, so patience is key.
Avoiding Future Streak Loss
Maintaining a streak requires diligence and understanding of Snapchat’s rules. Always ensure both parties send a valid Snap daily, and confirm that your Snaps are delivered successfully.
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How to Recover a Lost Snapchat Streak
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How to Recover a Lost Snapchat Streak
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